Contributed & Invited Talks
- “Overlapping mixture model for network data (manet) with covariates adjustment”,
- where: University College Dublin, Dublin (Ireland);
- when: April 2018;
- “Identifying overlapping terrorist cells from the Noordin Top actor-event network”,
- where: COSTNET, Palma de Mallorca (Spain);
- when: October 2017;
- “Bayesian Variable Selection in Linear Regression Models with non-normal Errors”,
- where: CLADAG, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan (Italy);
- when: September 2017;
- “START Up Research” event website,
- where: Certosa di Pontignano, Siena (Italy);
- when: June 2017;
- “Mixture model with multiple allocations for clustering spatially correlated observations for the analysis of NGS data”,
- where: CMS-ERCIM, University of London, London (UK);
- when: December 2015;
- “Mixture model with multiple allocation for clustering spatially correlated observations in gene expression data”,
- where: IFCS, University of Bologna, Bologna (Italy);
- when: July 2015;
- “Modelling multiple ChIP-seq experiments via a markov random field model with spatio-temporal dependencies”,
- where: CMS-ERCIM, University of Pisa, Pisa (Italy);
- when: December 2014.
- “Spatio-temporal model for multiple ChIP-Seq Experiments”,
- where: SSB, University of Warwick, Coventry (UK);
- when: December 2014;
- “Modelling multiple ChIP-Seq experiments via a Markov Random Field model with spatio-temporal dependencies”,
- where: CIBB, University of Cambridge, Cambridge (UK);
- when: June 2014;
- Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM) through COSTNET Action CA15109
- where: Department of Mathematics, Brunel University London, Uxbridge (U.K.);
- when: February 2017;
- visiting PhD student abroad
- where: March-September 2014; March 2015;
- when: J.B. Institute for Math and Computer Science, University of Groningen, Groningen (The Netherlands);